
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Athletics Day

Hi my name in the 2018 2 November we have athletics day. in athletics day we did lots of games and activity like high jump, long jump racing and after all of these we have a race for groups colour. I,am in the blue colour. we didn't win but we get point and also we have fun it was so good and fun. We also need to wear the house group colours. We make a group like middle school junior and seniors. the mum and dads coming to see his ch too. I'm not good at running but I'm very good it high jump because I am tall. We have so much fun. Here are some photos to see.

Friday, October 19, 2018

bottle cars

Hi my name is Saleh. This term we have technology. In technology we had to make a car with bottle/ tape/ hot glue/door of the bottle and wooden sticks. We had to make a group of 4 people. We also used a drill to cut the bottle because the bottle is hard to cut but the teacher is cut it because it is dangerous. Sometimes the teacher  let the kid to do drill. I had a go and I liked it. Then we go out side to test the car. We put some water init to go faster. After all of this we did a race my team didn't win but we have so much fun. 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

intermediate show

Hi my name is Saleh. In 25 of September we go to the intermediate show. It was very fun. They have lats of dances like hiphop and maori dances. They also had a singing. My favourite part of the show is song. The other school is coming to. They are so many people in the show. We also see some people from last year.Here is a photo of us watching.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Dazzler Digs On

Hi my name is Saleh. In this term we have a maths book. The book is called  figure it out book. We did page 19. Then I answer all the questions and I made the video. It was hard to answer question number 3 but question number  1 is easy. The problem is about multiplying and dividing. Here is the video link

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Technology Challenge

This term we had technology. In technology we had to tern the light on . With the light, battery,nail, and paper. We have to make a group because it was very hard.In the group of two people. First we have to stick the battery in the paper and stick the nail behind the battery and stick the light in the nail,I learn  to do technology.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Wiggly Worm

In school we made video with stop motion animator. We used play dough to make a worm. We had to take photos of each motion and the photos then become a movie. I enjoyed making worm. The teachers helped to make the stop motion. The hard things about this was to have your hands out of the scene. Next time I will use another objects.

Hi my name is Saleh, in this term we made circuit, geo board, marble challenge. First I was with Mr Riceman to make circuit. In circuit making, we had battery and light and we had to make the light to turn on.  After the circuit we did marble challenge with Mr R. In marble challenge, we had to make the bridge and put the marble in the bridge. Mr R measured with a ruler. Some bridge broke but some bridge supported the marble. After this we made geo board with Ms Sands and Mr Kim. In geo board making, we measured and cut the wood with saw then we use the hammer to nail it on the board. Then we used the rubber bands to make some shapes. I loved to work with hammer and nails.